Shoulders Primary Muscle Group for Exercise Demonstration

Primary Muscle: Shoulders

Equipment: Dumbbell

Level: Intermediate

Purpose: To target the anterior and medial heads of the deltoid muscle.

Execution: From a seated position on a bench set to 90⁰, grasp a dumbbell in each hand and lift them to shoulder height in front of your body with your wrists in front of you in a supinated position. Rotate both arms out and then press the dumbbells straight up overhead until your arms are fully extended but not locked out. Without hitting the dumbbells together, squeeze sour shoulders at the top of each rep before lowering the dumbbells slowly in a controlled fashion to the start position. It may help to perform this exercise in 2 motions: 1- rotate your arms out, 2- press the dumbbells up overhead; 3- bring the dumbbells back to shoulder height; 4- rotate your arms back so that the dumbbells are out in front of you with your wrists in a supinated position. Try to keep your lower back flat on the bench. Be sure to exhale as you press the weight up and inhale on the way down.